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Whether it's a one-time donation, or recurring, every penny counts.

It’s donors like you that play an important role in helping YST provide vital services to Tulsa and surrounding community’s at-risk and homeless youth and their families. YST does this through complementary programming in four areas - Runaway and Homeless Services, Counseling, Delinquency Prevention, and Youth Development. We are fortunate to interact in the lives of nearly 20,000 youth and their families each year. With your assistance, we help them change their lives and set them on a path to success.



Youth Services of Tulsa
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Phone: 918-582-0061

Youth Services of Tulsa is a charitable organization exempt from Tax under sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

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2020 Youth Services of Tulsa

To value and accept all youth, supporting and challenging them to embrace their potential.

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