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In-kind Giving
YST relies on in-kind donations from caring people like you to help young people exit homelessness and move forward on a path of independence. Your in-kind gift will be paired with our innovative services to fulfill an urgent need for a youth in crisis.

YST will gladly pick up local furniture donations with at
least one week's notice. Please schedule our pickup appointment
by calling 918.582.0061 during normal business hours.
In-Kind Donations accepted at our downtown campus
Our receptionist will help you unload your donations and complete a donation receipt. Your in-kind donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Donations accepted:
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday
Located at 311 S. Madison Ave, 74120
two blocks west of Peoria on 3rd Street
Please contact Brian Young, Community Relations Coordinator, to learn more about
in-king giving. You can reach Caroline at 918.382.3461 or
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