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It’s an unfortunate truth that the services YST provides will always be needed, and funding will always be an issue. The CatalYST Circle recognizes and honors donors who leave a legacy by making a future gift to YST in their will, trust, life insurance, IRA or other estate plans. These legacy gifts help build YST’s endowment fund and are invested in perpetuity with a portion of the investment income available to support YST programs.

Members of the CatalYST Circle believe in our mission and want to ensure our programs and services focused on homeless youth, delinquency prevention, youth development and counseling are here to help adolescents and their families for years to come.


To join the CatalYST Circle, for more information, or to tell us about your already planned legacy gift, please contact Suzy Sharp, Director of Development, at 918-382.4401 or

click Legacy gifts to open

Youth Services CatalYST Society* 
Gary Betow and Kathy McKeown
Paul Betow
Nancy Brahm
Estate of Laura Briley
Jordan Lusnak
Clair and Steve Powers
Ellen Ralph and Kevin O’Neil
Cathleen and Frank Ryan
Shirley and James Seiden
Laura and Scott Shepherd
Bob Sullivan
Catherine Tatum
Janis Updike Walker and Jim Walker
Margaret and Jonathan Wish
*As of June 30, 2019

“When the opportunity arose to participate in the planned giving program with YST, I didn’t hesitate, Youth Services has a long history of excellence, and is today nationally recognized for innovative programming in fulfilling their mission. The wonderful staff are passionately committed to helping our community’s youth achieve their full potential, and I am proud to help ensure their future work by naming YST in my trust.”   - Ellen Ralph

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Join Team YST, our monthly giving club, and become a changemaker for at-risk and homeless youth in our community.

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Youth Services of Tulsa
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Phone: 918-582-0061

Youth Services of Tulsa is a charitable organization exempt from Tax under sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

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2020 Youth Services of Tulsa

To value and accept all youth, supporting and challenging them to embrace their potential.

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