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About Us.

It's in the name. We serve Tulsa's homeless and at-risk youth!

Youth Services of Tulsa (YST) has helped Tulsa area youth and their families since 1969. YST constantly adapts to stay on top of the ever-changing, increasingly complex needs of young people, ages 12 to 24. YST is the only Tulsa non-profit organization focused solely on adolescents and young adults.

Nearly 20,000 young people will turn to YST this year for help, some at the most difficult times in their lives. YST offers a wide array of innovative and proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention, and youth development. Our programs are based on the needs and input of youth, their families, and our community, and are recognized as national models for quality and creativity. 


The Council on Accreditation recognizes YST's commitment to quality services and successful outcomes by accrediting the organization. YST also received the ONE (Oklahoma Nonprofit Excellence) Award in Youth Development for being one of Oklahoma's top non-profits. 

Since its creation, Youth Services has helped more than 300,000 youth in Tulsa and surrounding communities. 

By providing homeless and at-risk youth with a support network, we set them on a path to independence. - David Grewe, Executive Director

Our Mission

To value and accept all youth, supporting and challenging them to embrace their potential.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Empowered youth who grow

and achieve.

Our Leadership

"Leaders are those who always empower others." - Bill Gates

Youth Services of Tulsa
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Phone: 918-582-0061

Youth Services of Tulsa is a charitable organization exempt from Tax under sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

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2020 Youth Services of Tulsa

To value and accept all youth, supporting and challenging them to embrace their potential.

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